Do You Have an Airplane Folder?
*To protect the identities of all parties involved in this blog, we have changed the name of the main character in this story. We will call […]“Equitable Access billing will be easier than Inclusive Access billing, Right?”
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, the buzz around Equitable Access (EA) programs suggests a streamlined solution to course material billing compared to the […]The Advantages of Continuous Billing in Inclusive Access Programs
Introduction Inclusive Access (IA) programs have gained popularity in colleges and universities, revolutionizing the way digital course materials are accessed and billed. However, managing the billing […]PoLP – Watchman’s STEP Platform utilizes “Principle of Least Privilege” Architecture to Reduce Data Security Risks
Higher-Ed has become an attractive target for cyberattacks. In July 2020, Comparitech reported that 1,327 data breaches in the education sector had resulted in the exposure of 24.5 […]Check our our lastest Podcast with our partner Verba | VitalSource
Join host Lisa Montgomery of Verba | VitalSource for this episode as we sit down with our own Kellie Ranum and Mike Clear, Director of […]How well are you adapting to the “one-click” generation?
Are You Meeting the Needs of the One-Click Generation? It’s not uttered a lot anymore, there was a phrase being thrown around maybe ten or more […]STEP Platform supports Ethos® for Watchman Customers, Improving the Ellucian Colleague® User Experience
Watchman is pleased to announce that our STEP platform now supports Bursar Billing and IA Billing services using the Ellucian Colleague Ethos Platform, and that customers […]Manual Processes can cause friction for time-saving programs
We’ve been writing about “Friction” in campus processes for the past weeks. Posts One , Two, Three, Four and Five We’ve described many of the problems […]Don’t let Friction slow your success (aka Embrace the Mavericks.) Friction Series Part Five
This is part five of our “Friction” series. See Parts One , Two, Three and Four . Why has Inclusive Access grown so fast? The answer […]Friction Makes Campus Staff Even Busier (Friction Series Part Four)
In the last post, we wrote about how friction can land heavily on the Campus Store and students with manual work and special processes. This post […]Friction Makes the Campus Store Less Productive (Friction Series Part Three)
This is part three of our “Friction” series. Check out Parts One and Two to catch up. Smooth For most students, the process of purchasing course […]Problems Paying for Course Materials and Other Expenses: A Burden on Student Success (Friction Series Part Two)
This is part two of our “Friction” series. Check out Parts One to catch up. Many students struggle to get the course materials they need when […]The Scoop On Payment Friction: What Is It and How Can You Reduce It? (Friction Series Part One)
We thought: how can we inform more institutions about both the challenges and opportunities of matching available student funds to their eligible purchases? What’s a good […]Resources for Student Success
Student success: it means a number of different things to different people. When we talk about student success, we want to go beyond academic success–the simple […]Sponsored Account Management (SAM) maximizes student success
SAM and campus impacts We wrote in a previous post about Sponsored Account Management (SAM) and how it eases the burden for managing student funds at […]SIS interfaces – a brief technical overview
We’ve previously written about how our WPS STEP platform makes connections between campus sellers and campus systems. The most common systems we interface with are Student […]Bursar Billing Solutions are not just about Financial Aid any more
Bursar Billing? The origins of the name We frequently get asked if our services enable billing to Student Accounts including Financial Aid. It does, of course. […]Cal Poly Pomona Partners with WPS and Verba VitalSource to Fuel Dramatic Digital Growth During Covid-19 Pandemic
Amidst the countless challenges posed by Covid-19, universities and institutions needed to shift to the digital world. Cal Poly Pomona transferred a sizable part of their […]Sponsored Accounts Management (SAM) Makes it Easier for the Campus Store to Administer Aid for Students
Facebook Twitter Linkedin Managing third-party sponsors can require substantial manual work for the campus store Sometimes there is a process impacting a select group of students […]HECVAT: a powerful tool to assess the security chops of your prospective vendors
Let’s talk HECVAT It seems relevant to talk about security, especially in times when the giant and ever-broadening hack of our nation’s networks is beginning to actively […]Watchman helps you deliver Inclusive Access benefits with easy Automated IA Billing
December 29, 2020Watchman helps deliver Inclusive Access benefits with easy Automated IA BillingWPS Launches STEP to make campus transactions easier
STEP, the Student Education Payments PlatformOur Mission: Simple, Easy, and Stigma-Free Campus Transactions
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